Лейбл та номер:  | Play Loud! Productions – pl-90  |
Формат платівки:  | Вініл, LP, Альбом, Обмежений наклад  |
Країна виробник:  | Germany  |
Рік випуску:  | 2019  |
Музичний жанр:  | Электроника  |
Музичні стилі:  | Experimental, Noise  |
 Название песни |  Время звучания |
 Umbra Gebrannt |   |
 Krapplack |   |
 Zinnober |   |
 Indigo |   |
 Goldocker |   |
 Malachit |   |
Limited to 500 copies
Bunte Truppe (feat. Limpe Fuchs): Träumen ohne Dinge
Disembodied Dreams
As can be ascertained from the programmatic introduction, the group’s name appears first,
followed by the various musicians involved and their respective instruments. It might be
worth mentioning when the Bunte Truppe was actually founded. The attentive reader will
notice that Limpe Fuchs, Ruth-Maria Adam, Ignaz Schick and Ronnie Oliveras started
performing together in 2017 with a battery of percussion, wind and string instruments, as
well as numerous electronic aids. At this point, it is extremely important to describe how
such a colourful troupe can remain at the cutting edge of contemporary music, moving
effortlessly between different musical genres with their improvisations. It goes without
saying that this rather exaggerated claim assumes that the Bunte Truppe can challenge
their audience in this way. But of course! Anything else worth mentioning? Attention could
be drawn to historical contexts and other cultural connections, for example the fact that
Limpe Fuchs has been around as a musician for God knows how long (for a time in the free
improv duo Anima-Sound), and is widely known internationally or that Ruth-Maria Adam and
Ronnie Oliveras also go on the rampage with Datashock and the Flamingo Creatures whilst
Ignaz Schick rushes from one Artist in Residency to the other with a record player under his
arm. These facts may or may not be important. Similarly, in order to put their music in
perspective, it may or may not be helpful to draw comparisons with other international
benchmarks. However, before we get lost in the labyrinth of music, let’s rather prick up our
ears and devote our attention to the astonishing sounds hiding in this recording: full of life
and seemingly carefree, but (at the same time) always heedful of each other, the members
of the Bunte Truppe start playing as free as a bird, and manage to unite apparently
incompatible musical opposites without any effort. The material cannot be mastered, it has
suffered enough already. Holger Adam.